Wednesday, December 19, 2012

As promised

If you have not read the last post, please do so before reading this one!
I thought that it would be unfair to only give my reasons for believing in God, so here are the reasons that I doubt.

1. The Judeo-Christian God is not evident to all peoples. Only a few civilizations knew Him from the outset.

 This doesn't really frustrate me, though. It is in the nature of Christianity to evangelize, and I think I would rather have to evangelize to people who do not know than to be surrounded by believers and have a perfect understanding all of the time. The fact that not everyone knows God gives those who do some directive. We are so dependent upon one another for survival. It follows, then, that knowledge and belief of God among us is dependent upon ourselves for its propagation.

2. Christians do bad things.

Well, it is in the nature of man to be sinful and selfish sometimes. We aren't strong enough to overcome temptation without God, and we do not allow God to direct our actions at all times. Religious institutions are human institutions, and no one ever said that they are perfect. All we can do is try our hardest.

3. God requires effort.

This is not really a problem for me, though, for the same reason as the first-- I do not want a life that requires no effort. The greatest fountain of goodness requires belief and acting as God wills through that belief to other people. If life were easy, frankly, it would be boring.

4. Christians disagree amongst themselves.

This is most tragic. The conflicts between groups of Christians truly draw us away from the real problems of this world. I don't know if I would necessarily label my opinion as "ecumenical," but I do think that Christians should put aside their differences to make right the wrongs of this world and to love one another. You know, be Christ to others.

The lists I have posted are by no means comprehensive. There remains so much more to be said! I am anxious to grow in my relationship with God so that I can continue to write about him. I love you so much, and I hope you are doing well. May God bless you and keep you all the days of your life.

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